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Data Resources & Partners

Are you interested in providing data for use in NREX?
We welcome data inclusion suggestions as this resource continues to grow in future.

Below is a list of data provided to, or used in, the NREX application:

The agency title is followed by the type and level of partnership provided, of which there are several levels or types of data shares.

Have questions for a state agency regarding their data? Follow the links below to contact the agency directly.


US Forest Service (national-level map services)
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Wyoming Ecological Services Field Office (national-level map services)
US Geological Survey (national-level map services)
US Census Bureau (national-level map services)
US Department of Commerce (national-level map services)
US DOI National Park Service (national-level map services)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (national-level map services)
US Environmental Protection Agency (application link and map services)
Natural Resources Conservation Service (active data share)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (passive data share)
US DOI Bureau of Land Management (passive data share, active data share)


Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (direct application link)
The Nature Conservancy (active data share)
Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (map services)

Type of Data Shares Definitions:

  • Map services are data provided directly by the agency from their own servers in the form of a map service. Data included as services are updated and maintained only by the data provider. 
  • Application links are direct links from the NREX application to other map applications and their resources. The data are not stored in NREX in this case, but rather users are redirected to another map application for additional resources. 
  • National-level map services are data provided by federal agencies for public use.  
  • Data share indicates when agencies share their data directly with the application developers for use in the application. In the case of data shares, the data provider is responsible for providing the most up to date data available to the University of Wyoming and the Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC), which is responsible for maintaining the map services. 
  • Passive data share are cases where agencies do not provide data directly, but rather WyGISC downloads data from agency sites, and stores and serves data directly for use in NREX.